
Mobile Center for Digital Communication - Transmission

Mobile Communication Center MCC1

Mobile Digital Communication Node RWŁC-10/T

Portable And Transportable Satellite Terminal PPTS-1,8 v.2

The Mobile Satellite Terminal - MTS-4,6

Dual-band parabolic antenna APD-09

Logarithmic Reflector Antenna ARL-09/20 / M

The TRR-8 Tactical Radio Router

Ftm 34/9 Lattice Antenna Mast

F-OPS (Future Operations IBCS EOC)

Mobile Command Post Module

Mobile Command Post's Module MMSD Division / Sub-Unit

The Command Post's Mobile Module MMSD

Mobile Registry RKT

Mobile Field Cryptographic Unit (PKKs)

Technical Support Shelters

Mobile Forensic Platform MPK

20 ft container tight electromagnetically