Measurement set for testing the resistance to the electromagnetic pulse NEMP
The Research Laboratory of WZŁ No 1 S.A. is equipped with the NEMP EMP80K (Electromagnetic Pulse) set that can be used for testing the resistance of equipment to the electromagnetic pulse effects (IEM/EMP), according to the research procedure.
The research procedure describes the testing process of the object, within pulsed electromagnetic exposure zone of dimensions 2.2 x 1.3 x 0.57m, affected by IEM/EMP of 1kV/m to 80kV/m field strength. The research is done according to the standards: MIL-STD-461E/F (RS105), NO-06-A103:2005 (2.8) and NO-06-A107:2005 (7.4). The pulse strength can be adjustable within a wide range, depending on research program or requirements related to the resistance of tested object to the electromagnetic pulse. There is also the possibility of flexible adaptation of size of measurement zone to test various objects. The system is installed within the anechoic chamber, what makes possible to carry out secure and precise measurement. An object may be tested in three planes of exposures (3D). Moreover, there exists the possibility of scalability of exposures, e.g. in order to define boundary values of the resistance of the unit to electromagnetic pulse.
The NEMP EMP80K set consists of the high voltage generator EMP80K-2-23 connected to the radiation line RL180-50. The field strength of generated pulse is measured with the magnetic and electric field probes. The amplitude characteristics of generated pulses are recorded on the oscilloscope that is connected with field probes by means of fibre optic cable or coaxial cable.
The set can test objects of the following types:
- terrestrial, marine and on-board equipment,
- air and missile equipment,
- equipment of artillery ammunition fittings,
- electric, electronic equipment,
- Non-electric, non-electronic equipment but susceptible to the electromagnetic pulse,
- Objects that are not shielded but are to satisfy requirements of resistance to the electromagnetic pulse.