Measurement post to test resistance of devices and military equipment to an electromagnetic pulse (E.G. NEMP)
Measurement post, has been designed for testing the military technology objects (,,SpW'') [Eng.: Military Equipment], e.g. communication devices, radiolocation stations, command vehicles, etc. and other mobile units (vehicles, portable or transportable equipment), exposed during operational use to a high-intensity electromagnetic pulse. At the measurement post, there is ensured the possibility to generate pulse in the range of approximately 10-60kV/m and perform tests in accordance with MIL-STD 461 E-F and NO- 06-A103 pkt. 2.8 (Requirements concerning resistance & endurance and resistance of devices to effects of exposure caused by a nuclear explosion) according to NO-06-A200 and NO-06-A500 standards. Thus, SpW testing provides the possibility to realize undertakings accepted by the Armed Forces of the Republic of Poland in the objective No. 840 in the scope of adaptation of Devices and Military Equipment to the requirements of resistance to directed energy. The post has been designed for researching objects of the dimensions up to 9 x 3 x 4 (length x width x height in meters) and the weight up to 60 tons. It is admissible to examine larger dimensions objects (by sectoring) and heavier weight objects (after a prior preparation of the post).