WZŁ No. 1 sold the first three shelters under Wisła/PATRIOT Support Equipment Program
In late September 2022, implementing the first phase of Wisła Support Equipment Program, WZŁ No. 1 sold off the first three units (MEIs) of Support Equipment for the Polish PATRIOT air and missile defense system, to Raytheon Missiles & Defense.
It is an important milestone achieved by our Company under Wisła Support Equipment Program. The Program involves both manufacturing and assembling work to populate and integrate MEIs according to technical documentation furnished by Raytheon, as well as environmental tests of MEIs by authorized external organizations and factory acceptance tests by WZŁ No. 1. Our company took part in a series of tag ups and reviews with Raytheon team to confirm our readiness to proceed to the following steps of the Program.
Thanks to very good cooperation with Raytheon Missiles & Defense, WZŁ No. 1 managed to complete work on the first three MEIs: BMC, ISE and SRPT, by the expected deadline.
The objective of Wisła Support Equipment Program is population, integration, testing and verification of nine shelters of Support Equipment for the Polish PATRIOT air and missile defense system.
WZŁ Nr 1 S.A. carries out integration of the three following types of shelters:
- BMC (Battery Maintenance Center)
- ISE (Intermediate Support Element)
- SRPT (Small Repair Parts Transporter)