1 August 2022
WZŁ-1 S.A. with a new contract for maintenance
Wojskowe Zakłady Łączności Nr 1 S.A. have signed a new contract for the years 2022-2024 with the 2nd Regional Logistics Base for maintenance, diagnostics and repair of Mobile Command Modules (MMSD), Mobile Digital Communication Shelters (RWŁC-10 T/K), Portable/Mobile Satellite Terminals (PPTS), Field Cryptographic Shelters (PKK), Mobile Cryptographic Shelters (MKK-03), Mobile Satellite Terminals (MTS-4 AGAWA), as well as repairs necessary to provide classified communication by hardware required to be certified as electromagnetically protected.
This new contract is following the former one awarded to WZŁ-1 for the years 2019-2021.