2 July 2021
WZŁ-1 S.A. signed new Maintenance Contract
On 8 June 2021, Wojskowe Zakłady Łączności Nr 1 S.A. signed Maintenance Contract No. 193/07/5/2021.
The contract applies to preventive and corrective maintenance of the "ROSICZKA" system and its components. “ROSICZKA” is a command and control system for combat assets, with a security clearance of up to NATO SECRET, based on LINK-16 information exchange standards. It is intended to create a common and reliable air situation picture. The system is deployed by all the Polish Armed Force Branches (the Land Forces, the Air Force and the Navy) to transfer data on the tactical situation and to command in areas of operation.
The maintenance period, per the provisions of the contract, covers the years from 2021 to 2023.