WZŁ-1 S.A. signed another contract and a letter of intent
On the last day of the MSPO fair, Wojskowe Zakłady Łączności Nr1 S.A. signed a contract and a letter of intent.
WZŁ Nr 1 S.A. with a contract for the construction of the MCC1 mast base frame
On the last day of the MSPO fair in Kielce, WZŁ-1 S.A. signed a contract with H.CEGIELSKI-POZNAŃ S.A. for the execution and delivery of the base frame of the lattice mast for the project of Mobile Communications Nodes of the Wisła system - phase I.
H.CEGIELSKI-POZNAŃ S.A. is a company with many years of experience in the field of qualitative steel processing. This gives us a guarantee of the highest quality of services, says J. Robert Kudelski PhD, President of the Management Board of WZŁ-1 S.A.
We are looking forward to working with WZŁ-1 S.A. in the implementation of such an innovative project as the Mobile Communications Node for the Wisła Program, especially in the perspective of joining the PGZ S.A. Capital Group - adds Krzysztof Zalewski, CEO of H.CEGIELSKI-POZNAŃ S.A.
Signing the letter of intent
Signing a letter of intent on cooperation between PGZ [the Polish Armaments Group] and the KOMAG Mining Technology Institute, the central Mine Rescue Station and Wojskowe Zakłady Łączności Nr. 1 S.A [Military Communications Plant No. 1 S.A]. The main goal of the cooperation is to increase the work safety of mining crews and rescuers conducting underground rescue operations. For Polska Grupa Zbrojeniowa [the Polish Armaments Group], cooperation with the partners from the mining sector is a good opportunity to test the developed technologies in exceptional conditions.