Satellite Reconnaissance and Communications in Times of Threats. A Debate of Experts with Participation of WZŁ Nr 1 S.A.
On April 18, President of the Board of WZŁ Nr 1 S.A. Dr Jarosław Robert Kudelski took part in an event organized by PORTAL OBRONNY (https://portalobronny.se.pl) entitled Debate of Experts on Satellite Reconnaissance and Communications in Times of Threats. Participants of the debate discussed security in the outer space and upcoming challenges we are going to face in that area, including the setting up of a National Satellite Reconnaissance System. The aforementioned system is a state-of-the-art radar reconnaissance solution for the Polish Armed Forces currently under implementation by PGZ S.A.,WZŁ Nr 1 S.A. and ICEYE Poland Sp. z o.o.
The scope of responsibility of WZŁ Nr 1 S.A. is implementation of the concept of a mobile ground station, enabling safe and reliable management of the system in all conditions and from any place of deployment. The station concept includes solutions that will meet requirements of the modern battlefield in terms of data communications, safety of use, data transmission or power supply. It will be a shelter with a dedicated antenna system to ensure high-speed transmission of data from the satellite segment and its subsequent distribution to the Polish Armed Forces.
Participants of the debate included representatives of companies involved in the Polish space sector development, as well as Polish military, scientific and research institutes.
PORTAL OBRONNY is a modern news service dedicated to military affairs, defense, the arms industry, the war in Ukraine and geopolitics. It has been set up by experienced journalists, editors and military experts.
Photo: Portal Obronny