Cooperation between WZŁ Nr 1 S.A. and Northrop Grumman in implementation of offset commitments for WISLA
A meeting with representatives of Northrop Grumman was held at WZŁ Nr 1 S.A. on 27 March 2024. Its purpose was to summarize the status of implementation of Offset Commitments (ZO) made by Northrop Grumman for WZŁ Nr 1 S.A. under WISŁA Phase I. The first of these Offset Commitments, ZO B20b, implemented by WZŁ Nr 1 S.A. together with PGZ S.A., WZE S.A. and WZU S.A. is maintenance training on S-280 and IFCN for our mechanics and technicians. The second, ZO C1b, has already enabled WZŁ Nr 1 S.A. to acquire and commission specialized machinery for delivery of WISŁA projects. The meeting was also an opportunity to make arrangements related to negotiations of Offset Execution Agreement (OEA) for Offset Commitment N7 under WISŁA Phase II. Thanks to Offset Commitment N7, WZŁ Nr 1 S.A. will acquire capabilities for testing antennas and masts for communications systems.