65th Anniversary of WZŁ No. 1 S.A.
This year Military Communication Works No. 1 S.A. celebrate the 65th anniversary. The origins of the plant date back to 1955 when it was established as Unit No. 63 R&D and Repair Workshop for Military Communication Equipment. During its history, the plant changed name several times. On 1 Jan 2008, it was transformed from a state-owned enterprise into a private law company (Spółka Akcyjna, S.A., a joint stock company), and included into PGZ S.A. to operate as a PGZ Group member since then.
Since the very beginning of the plant, its core business involved production of military communication shelters/centers with some auxiliary equipping, as well as maintenance and repair services for the Polish Army. In the ‘90s the company was specializing in production of Mobile Digital Communication Centers (RWŁC) while since 2005 it has been producing and deploying satellite terminals (PPTS and MTS), as well as Mobile Command Centers (MMSD) for the Polish Army.
Today the company is working on new products based on the above mentioned RWŁC and on our satellite terminals, moving in direction of Digital Communication & Transmission Centers, new generation of satellite terminals, and new mobile platforms to be delivered under projects financed by the Polish NCBiR and by the European Union.
Throughout all these years the plant has been continuously changing, successfully adapting to the changing market needs. The fate of an undertaking always depends on people, and therefore, taking this opportunity, we would like to express our appreciation and great thanks to all our former and current staff members for their share in establishment of our company, in its past and in the continuous development.